Dog Obedience - Beginning

1455 Madison Ave, Redwood City, CA 94061, USA

Opening | Enrichment


Dogs 4 Months +Your dog is taught to sit, down, stay, come, heel and easy (walking nicely at the end of the leash without pulling). The dog is taught to move freely and easily with the collar, so one day you barely have to use it! The dog is also taught to perform things and to willingly do or not do things, not just be prevented from doing them. Verbal and/or physical praise from owner is given. This builds a relationship between owner and dog. Any specific problems you are having will be addressed and cured in class or by a lifestyle change at home. You will need a 6 foot comfortable leash. Instructor will supply the nylon collar. Scroll down for important program information.

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10 Apr,2024 22 May,2024 Wed 11 18 06:00 PM 07:00 PM Register