Guitar II for Adults (18Y&UP)

Oak Hill Park, 3005 Stone Valley Rd, Danville, CA 94526, USA

Opening | Music - Vocal & Instrumental


This Guitar II class will be a way for beginner guitar players to start Barre Chords, some new strumming and picking techniques and next level songs to help build your skills. You only need to know the 5 CAGED System chords A, E, D, G, C major and have those mastered. The exercises will help you to get your fingers going on the fretboard in a fun way. We will be choosing songs to help make this a rewarding process. Bring a classical nylon string guitar to class or borrow one to start.

Start Date End Date Weekdays Start Age End Age Start Time End Time Visit
25 Apr,2024 30 May,2024 Thu 18 18 07:00 PM 07:45 PM Register