Karate I

620 Lincoln Ave, Winnetka, IL 60093, USA

Opening | Martial Arts


Traditional Karate emphasizes the principles and applications of a weaponless self-defense through the use of body dynamics and mental discipline. Participants learn alertness, self-control, and mental strategies to meet life’s challenges. There are 11 belt levels (kyu) before first-degree Black belt (shodan). A new student is assigned the White belt rank (eleventh kyu). Students must fulfill specific requirements under normal practice conditions and in a test environment for promotion up to and including the Black belt (dan). NOTE: Uniforms, belts, tests, and tournaments are optional at an additional cost.This class is for the beginner student through Orange belt/White stripe.

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11 Jan,2024 23 May,2024 Tue,Thu 5 11 04:30 PM 05:15 PM Register