Nia - 6 punches

425 Main St, Delafield, WI 53018, USA

Opening | Punch Card


Nia (pronounced “nee-a”) is the fusion of fun and fitness. This class combines the martial arts, (Tae Kwon Do, Tai Chi, and Aikido) dance arts (Jazz, Modern and Duncan), and the healing Arts (Yoga, the Teachings of Moshe Feldenkrais, and the Alexander Technique). Choreographed to music, Nia is a high energy, low impact aerobic exercise class. It is holistic and calls on the mind, body, spirit, and emotions to play together in a fun-filled hour of movement. This class is appropriate for all fitness levels. Nia is done in comfortable clothes and bare feet. Floor work is done at the end of each class, participants may want to bring a mat. Carol has her Master’s and Doctorate in Physical Therapy and is a certified Brown Belt Nia Instructor. *Not being offered in the summer. *

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08 Jan,2024 30 Dec,2024 Mon 18 99 12:05 PM 01:00 PM Register