Private Computer Lessons - 1 Hr. Block

1005 Ridge Rd, Munster, IN 46321, USA

Opening | Adult Education


Do you need some help with your Kindle, iPad, Tablet, Android, or iPhone. Do you struggle with managing all of your digital photos from your phone and camera? Are you interested in learning PowerPoint, Excel, Word, Google Apps/Suite, Social Media or the newest Windows? Are you puzzled over emails or how to find information on the internet? Schedule a private lesson. Training can take place at the Town Hall or any other location with wifi access and a portable device. Instructor Ruth Yothment

Start Date End Date Weekdays Start Age End Age Start Time End Time Visit
03 Jan,2024 31 May,2024 Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri 18 100 08:30 AM 04:30 PM Register