Puppy/Training Foundations I

2748 Dogtown Rd, Goochland, VA 23063, USA

Full | Dog Classes


Training: This class is ideal for dogs who are 8+ months of age, who have a little bit of training, but perhaps need a clean up of training skills, or help getting started, or trouble shooting new behaviors that have shown up as the puppies start to enter young adulthood! Puppy: This class is for those new puppy owners, ready to start their training journey with a new canine family member! General direction on puppy training and beginning basic skills (sit, down, mat work, impulse control, recalls, leash work & more!) training foundations and principles, troubleshooting puppy situations all while working to develop an owner/dog bond to last a lifetime! Puppies in this class could be 10 weeks - 6 months of age. (6-week-session)

Start Date End Date Weekdays Start Age End Age Start Time End Time Visit
16 Apr,2024 21 May,2024 Tue 18 99 06:00 PM 06:50 PM Register