Awareness Through Movement® 06/25-08/27 (In-Person)

2601 NW Tyler Ave, Corvallis, OR 97330, USA

Opening | Group Exercise


This class is session-based and follows a set curriculum. Registration is required.Move younger using the ingenious guided movement explorations of the Feldenkrais Method®. Each series focuses on specific issues while incorporating whole-body movement. Use attention to precise movements to improve coordination, flexibility, posture, and balance, lessen pain and stiffness, and promote greater enjoyment of daily activities. For all levels of ability. You’ll need a blanket or mat for floor work.Is Your Upper Body Organized for Movement? (9 weeks)Much of our posture, comfort, and even energy depend on how we use and align our head, neck, shoulder girdle, rib case and spine. We’ll also explore how the eyes, jaw, and breath contribute to relaxed, upright, confident movement.This class is held IN-PERSON. Use your Rec Fit or Wellness Benefit membership to attend this class. Scan your membership when you arrive. Go to the C3 Group Exercise Page for more details on payment options.

Start Date End Date Weekdays Start Age End Age Start Time End Time Visit
25 Jun,2024 27 Aug,2024 Tue 18 18 01:00 PM 02:00 PM Register