Dog Training: Intro to K9 Rally Obedience (03) Apr/May

Centennial Park, 600 Nickerson Dr, Paso Robles, CA 93446, USA

Opening | Adult Activities


Good Dogs with Kathy Kropp is excited to offer this class taught by Sue Graham. Enhance your relationship with your dog by using basic obedience skills; learn a few new skills and combine them together to perform a rally obedience routine. Learn how to read and perform rally obedience course signs, work your dog's brain (and yours!) and learn the basic principles of a fun and very popular dog sport.* Pre-requisites: Dogs should have basic training skills.Please bring a 4'-5' leash and treats. Bring your dog's shot records to the first class.Discount of $12.50 to enroll a second dog. Repeating students can enjoy the class for $25 off using a registration discount code provided by the instructor. Contact for the code.First hour: Dogs should have basic heeling and obedience skills.Second hour: Dogs must be able to heel and perform obedience exercises off leash.To learn more about K-9 Rally, follow this link:

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29 Apr,2024 03 Jun,2024 Mon 12 18 05:30 PM 07:30 PM Register