Kamanawannaplaya Ukulele Club (55Y & up)

Danville, CA, USA

Opening | Music - Vocal & Instrumental


Join a group of ukulele enthusiasts who enjoy singing and playing together. Each week we learn a bit more about the songs we play and improve our ability. New members are always welcome. This is a great environment for those that have completed a beginner ukulele class. You must be able to play C, F, G, G7 and C7 chords. Players must provide their own ukulele and music stand and also need to purchase The Daily Ukulele (yellow book) and the Daily Ukulele -Leap Year edition (blue book).No class April 4, May 9, 16, and 23.

Start Date End Date Weekdays Start Age End Age Start Time End Time Visit
14 Mar,2024 30 May,2024 Thu 55 18 04:00 PM 05:30 PM Register