Pee Wee Karate

620 Lincoln Ave, Winnetka, IL 60093, USA

Opening | Martial Arts


Traditional Karate emphasizes the principles and applications of a weaponless self-defense through the use of body dynamics and mental discipline. Participants learn alertness, self-control, and mental strategies to meet life’s challenges. There are 11 belt levels (kyu) before first-degree Black belt (shodan). A new student is assigned the White belt rank (eleventh kyu). Students must fulfill specific requirements under normal practice conditions and in a test environment for promotion up to and including the Black belt (dan). NOTE: Uniforms, belts, tests, and tournaments are optional at an additional cost.Students learn how to control their energy levels and concentration through study of fundamental Karate principles. Participants will learn how to follow instructions and exercise self control in a fun and exciting environment.

Start Date End Date Weekdays Start Age End Age Start Time End Time Visit
11 Jan,2024 23 May,2024 Thu 4 6 03:50 PM 04:20 PM Register