Yoga for All Levels: July Session (No Class July 2)

5510 Lacy Rd, Fitchburg, WI 53711, USA

Opening | Adult Programs


Cost$48 for full session (4 classes)$15 for single class drop in (Now available - drop in online payment option. As always, cash/check also accepted at class.)Yoga practice is known to support a healthy body and mind, and in this multi-week slow-flow yoga series you will work on finding mobility, stability, and strength. By incorporating functional movement techniques, you can expect a whole body practice designed to find more ease and freedom in the body.We typically start with warm ups, move into standing postures, and end with a short integrative rest. Various poses and gentle flow sequences will be taught. We will also do easy breathing techniques and mindfulness practices.This program is accessible to all levels! If needed, a chair can be used for more stability. Bring your own water bottle, yoga mat, blanket, or other props for comfort.

Start Date End Date Weekdays Start Age End Age Start Time End Time Visit
09 Jul,2024 30 Jul,2024 Tue 14 18 05:30 PM 06:30 PM Register