Jacki Sorensen's Aerobic Dancing (Thurs)

Oak Hill Park, 3005 Stone Valley Rd, Danville, CA 94526, USA

Opening | Health & Fitness


Beginners are welcome! Jacki Sorensen’s Aerobic Dancing is a dance fitness class that provides a total body workout that includes strength, flexibility, and endurance in a safely choreographed format that combines cha-cha, waltz, samba and swing steps.This class is designed to be taken 2 days per week especially for new students and is suitable for all adults including active seniors. Wear supportive athletic shoes and bring a floor mat. Hand held 2-4 pound weights are recommended but not required.No class April 11.

Start Date End Date Weekdays Start Age End Age Start Time End Time Visit
07 Mar,2024 16 May,2024 Thu 18 18 09:00 AM 10:00 AM Register